Friday, September 23, 2016

The Writing Process

Prompt: Discuss the writing process. What is it? How can it help a writer?

I am a big believer in and follower of the Writing Process.  The five steps are: Pre-Writing, Writing, Revision, Editing, and Publishing.

I feel that every writer should follow the process because it helps you pay attention to the various steps of your writing.  It can help focus on your writing in a methodical way, particularly if you pay attention to each step, and focus on your writing at that stage.  You should not skip a stage in the process because your work can be damaged because of it.  You may have to go back to a previous step, but that’s okay because the process is cyclical.

A writer should always take a moment to check and make sure they are staying true to their outline, which is part of the Pre-Writing step.  Also, a writer should never skip the Revision or Editing step to save time.  Your work will not be credible because it will contain mistakes and errors.  The whole process is important.

Respecting the Process will produce quality writing.