Saturday, September 3, 2016

Change Is a Must for Even Me

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandi

Change is a hard thing.  It makes many people nervous, including me.  Do we really want to change?  Do we really want to stand up and say, “Something is wrong and we need to change?”  if we are really honest, most people would say no at first, but when faced with the inevitability of change, we are forced to change, if not be the agent of change.

As I reflect on the things that are happening in the USA at this time, there is so much going on… We’re about to elect a new president, many issues that we were once silent about are coming to the forefront, and personally, I’m being taught new strategies and techniques to use as I teach my English classes.  Change is all around me.  And it’s SCARING me to death!

When I pay attention to the national landscape of change, I wonder if Colin Kapernick thought about what he would face when he decided to “be the change,” and not stand for the singing of the National Anthem.  Did he imagine that he would be the “talk of the town?”  Did he imagine that a well-known sportscaster would cast aspersions on his “BLACKNESS?”  Did he know that people would burn his jersey?  Did he think that it could cost him his job?  I wonder.

However, Colin’s action has caused us to think, read, evaluate, and process what we value as Americans and humans.  Will anything change because of his actions?  Perhaps.  Will Americans come together and work towards some solutions.  I don’t know.  But, Colin made a stand, and it has affected us all in some way.

As I think about the changes going on in my own small, diminutive world, it seems insignificant compared to the world at large.  So much is going on, that I often think… “Will making a change in my life or in my teaching make a difference?”  The conclusion I come to each time I ask myself that question is… YES!