Friday, September 16, 2016

Go to College

Prompt: Discuss advice you would give to high school seniors about college.

I would tell high school seniors that college is a fun place to grow and learn.  You can become whoever you want to be, just by learning about yourself, new subjects, new people, and more.  You just only have to take a chance.

College has become a special place where you can be whoever you endeavor to be, by growing as a person and student.  You get to meet people of all kinds of nationalities, who can enrich your thinking and worldview.  There are people there who know so much and have so many experiences that can teach you more than you ever thought you could learn.

College is hard work, but in the end the hard work pays off.  Not only in money, but in experiences that you may never have had were it not for attending college.  There will be struggles, but these struggles help develop your character, work ethic, and self-motivational skills.  You will learn things that will help you later in your career, as well as in your life.  Don’t be afraid of a challenge.